Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily Media Circus

This is post number 100 today!

I viewed Gattaca last night. It was released in 1997. It is definitely a must see. It is a fine example of predictive programming and very relevant for today. It is all about a genetic perfect society, biometrics and extreme police state. People conceived naturally, without genetic manipulation, are labeled GODCHILDREN. We know who the genetic perfects belong to... take the time to watch it. You will be amazed! 

Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. It stars Ethan HawkeUma Thurman and Jude Law with supporting roles played by Loren DeanErnest BorgnineGore Vidal and Alan Arkin.
The film presents a biopunk vision of a future society driven by liberal eugenics where potential children are selected throughpreimplantation genetic diagnosis to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents.[1] A genetic registry database uses biometrics to instantly identify and classify those so created as "valids" while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known as "in-valids". While genetic discrimination is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile a person's genotype resulting in the valids qualifying for professional employment while the in-valids—considered more susceptible to disease, educational dysfunction and shorter lifespans—are relegated to menial jobs.
The movie draws on concerns over reproductive technologies which facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such technological developments for society. It also explores the idea of destiny and the ways in which it can and does govern lives. Characters in Gattaca continually battle both with the society and with themselves to find their place in the world and who they are destined to be according to their genes. The title is based on the initial letters of the four DNA nitrogenous bases (adeninecytosineguanine, and thymine). During the opening and closing credits, the letters G, A, T, and C are all highlighted. The name Gattaca itself is the name of the fictional space agency shown in the film.
The film was a 1997 nominee for the Academy Award for Best Art Direction.

Video: 4/24/2012 -- Mount Etna - Italy - Erupts violently

Is there a drone in your neighbourhood? Rise of spy planes exposed after FAA is forced to reveal 63 launch sites across U.S

Scientists clone sheep using 'good' fat from worm

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Daily Media Circus

And yet another one...

Magnitude 6.5 - MICHOACAN, MEXICO

There were 39 quakes so far today above 5.0. Check it out below.
Quakes above 5.0 04-11-2012

The Army Is Stocking Up On A Ton Of Anti-Radiation Pills To Protect Troops

Fukushima radiation found in California kelp

Quartet to meet in DC, but expectations low
Yet another 11 meeting date...

America's Debt Is Greater than Entire Eurozone's (and U.K.'s) Combined Debt

Video: Dangerous Radioactive Wave To Hit Entire US Food Supply By Next Year

Another Predictable Quake Date


Surprise! Another giant quake on the 11th of a month. There is quite the pattern going on.
Oh and look at the time...4:43:09   hmmm... that's 4+4+3 =11 
11:9......another 9:11 combo switched...
16.4 km deep....1+6+4=11 

When it didn't come this weekend, my gut said it will be on the 11th.
Too bad I am not a betting woman, because I could be money rich.
I'd rather be a spiritual bazillionaire, of which I am in Christ Jesus!   


Magnitude 6.0 - NORTH INDIAN OCEAN
 This one at 3:27:56..... 2+7=9    5+6=11  another 9:11

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bible Study

                                                              Joshua 6

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bible Study

                                                              Joshua 5