Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Media Circus

                                  Petrus Romanus Arrives on 3/13/2013 at 20:13 hours

Flag of Argentina

Jesuit logo

CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on March 15th when a CME might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. The CME was launched by a filament of solar magnetism that erupted on March 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the cloud arrives.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daily Media Circus

03-13-13 at 7:06(=13) pm   265th (13) successor of Peter   76 (13) years old

White smoke: new Pope elected in Conclave

The Catholic Church has elected a new pope: Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio

A Jesuit...first Jesuit Pope

Entered The Society of Jesus on March 11 1958

Ordained  a priest on December 13, 1958

He is the 1st non-European Pope in 1200 years
The 1st non-European Pope was Peter!(according to the Roman Catholic Church)

Petrus Romanus is here!
Son of Italian parents(Roman)

Comet Pan-STARRS
(Pan-demonium, all the demons)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Daily Media Circus

Two flags, two triangles, one red, one blue, one points up, the other down.
 As above, so below...

This graphic is for illustration purposes of one scenario of what the jet stream pattern may resemble March 6-7, 2013.

"big 'O' "

omega Look up omega at
c.1400, from Medieval Greek omega, from classical Greek o mega "big 'o' " (in contrast to o micron "little 'o' "); so called because the vowel was long in ancient Greek. From mega (seemega-). The final letter of the Greek alphabet, hence used figuratively for "the last, final" of anything (cf. Rev. i:8),