Saturday, September 26, 2015

Daily Media Circus


Temple Mount Project Finds Rare Seal from King David Era

Pope Francis At White House: Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same
“Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world. For centuries, blood has been needlessly shed because of the desire to segregate our faiths. This, however, should be the very concept which unites us as people, as nations, and as a world bound by faith. Together, we can bring about an unprecedented age of peace, all we need to achieve such a state is respect each others beliefs, for we are all children of God regardless of the name we choose to address him by. We can accomplish miraculous things in the world by merging our faiths, and the time for such a movement is now. No longer shall we slaughter our neighbors over differences in reference to their God.”

At UN, Pope Francis Praises Iran Nuclear Deal

Russia announces naval drills in 'east Mediterranean'

Weather service accidentally sends Connecticut tsunami alert

UN's 17 global goals: What's on the list?

The Stock Markets Of The 10 Largest Global Economies Are All Crashing

Rare Supermoon Eclipse Comes Sunday: Will Not Occur Again Until 2033

Calls the cross a failure...promotes one world religion...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Daily Media Circus

These two pictures on 9-11-15... from two sides of the world I think are a warning of what is coming on the earth.

As it was in the days of Noah...  

The Nuke Deal victory was secured and
UN approved Palestinian bid to fly their flag at Headquarters all on the same day.

 Some Mormons stocking up amid fears that doomsday could come this month

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?

This was featured on Drudge today....I see CERN...


Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield: U.S. officials

This has some interesting points....

Tuesday, September 8, 2015