Sunday, February 14, 2016

Daily Media Circus

Guillain-Barre Is On the Rise in Zika-Affected Countries

Antonin Scalia was the 103rd judge appointed to the Supreme Court and was born on 3/11. He was the 44th justice appointed in the 20th century  after Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. who was the first appointee of the century. In other words, the 44th after the first. He died the 44th day of the year 440 miles from the city that bears his name whose address was Box 44, that evening the 44th President declared he will fulfill his obligation to nominate a replacement.

The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports

Scalia's death could change court on abortion, race, climate

NRA: Scalia death puts gun rights in jeopardy

Mid-East Prophecy Update - February 14th, 2016