Thursday, June 7, 2018

Daily Media Circus

Vatican Secretary of State attending elite Bilderberg meeting

All eyes on Canada as first G7 nation prepares to make marijuana legal

HEAD-SCRATCHER: Anglican Church votes in favor of same-sex marriage

Why Are So Many Concerned About The Potential Health Dangers Of The 5G Cell Phone Network That Is Going Up Nationwide?

Bayer wins U.S. nod for Monsanto deal to create agriculture giant

Exclusive: Gene-edited super-crops to be grown in UK for the first time

2018 05 27 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Pay Attention: Eruptions Ahead"


                 Mid-East Prophecy Update – May 27th, 2018

Cancer vaccine

     2018 06 03 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Unhitched and                             Unhinged" Plus Special Announcement"


               Mid-East Prophecy Update – June 3rd, 2018