Sunday, February 9, 2020

Prophecy Updates

2019 12 29 John Haller's Prophecy Update "2019 in Review - 2020 in Focus"

2019 12 22 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Is This the                              Calm Before the Storm?"

2019 12 08 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Popping the Bubble Wrap"

2019 12 01 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Hard to Describe"

Prophecy Updates

Bible Prophecy Update – January 5th, 2020

          Bible Prophecy Update – January 12th, 2020

        Bible Prophecy Update – December 8th, 2019

      Bible Prophecy Update – December 29th, 2019

Daily Media CIrcus

Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients, vaccine injury and vaccine industry collusion

Pope Advances One World Religion Agenda: Presents Buddhist Leader with Manifesto

Mass. State Police Tested Out Boston Dynamics’ Spot The Robot Dog. Civil Liberties Advocates Want To Know More

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People

Powered by Gates Foundation Cash, MIT Develop 'Tattoo ID' Tracking Who Has Had Vaccinations

              "How the Government Made You Fat" 

2019 11 24 John Haller's Prophecy Update "An Empire                                              of Signs"


6.2 - 111km NNE of Ujungpangkah, Indonesia

6.1 - 57km SE of East End, Cayman Islands

7.7 - 124km NNW of Lucea, Jamaica

6.7 - 11km NNE of Doganyol, Turkey

6.1 - 57km SSW of Molibagu, Indonesia

6.0 - 141km W of Abepura, Indonesia

6.0 - 130km ENE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea

6.4 - 13km SSE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico

6.0 - 1km NNE of Lejanias, Colombia

6.0 - 14km WNW of El Hoyo, Argentina

6.8 - 7km S of Magsaysay, Philippines

6.0 - 166km W of Port Hardy, Canada

6.3 - 96km SE of Adak, Alaska

6.2 - 32km ESE of Chaloem Phra Kiat, Thailand