Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Daily Media Circus

Magnitude 7.7 - SEA OF OKHOTSK

Boeing Demonstrates Drones That Perform Like ‘Swarm Of Insects’

Obamacare Mandate: Sterilize 15-Year-Old Girls for Free--Without Parental Consent

Could we fly from London to New York in an hour? NASA scientists test 4,500mph hypersonic jet

Danny Hillis – With A Drop Of Your Blood, We’ll Soon Diagnose Your Disease Before You Even Have Symptoms

I noticed something out of sorts with the octopus presentation at the 2012 Olympics. Octopus  tentacles don't have segmented rings. They kind of look like this...

Hmm...  The octopus is also illuminated. That guy inside it is Fatboy Slim.

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