Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Media Circus

Gay Pride Week In Oklahoma - Just hours before worst tornado in history
announced to begin on the Lord's Day - Sunday at 4:00 pm.

Britain's House of Commons votes to legalize gay marriage in England, Wales

Obama Morehouse speech
Sunday May 19, 2013


Moore, OK....suburb


more (adj.) Look up more at
Old English mara "greater, more, stronger, mightier," used as a comparative of micel "great" (see mickle), from Proto-Germanic *maizon- (cf. Old Saxon mera, Old Norse meiri, Old Frisianmara, Middle Dutch mere, Old High German mero, German mehr), from PIE *meis- (cf. Avestan mazja "greater," Old Irish mor "great," Welsh mawr "great," Greek -moros "great," Oscanmais "more"), from root *me- "big."

suburb (n.) Look up suburb at
mid-14c., "residential area outside a town or city," from Old French suburbe, from Latin suburbium "an outlying part of a city," from sub "below, near" (see sub-) + urbs (genitive urbis) "city.

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