Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Candlemas and Imbolg

Candlemas and Imbolg (Groundhog Day) is February first and second.  Imbolg is a Satanic holiday requiring human sacrifice. Groundhog Day sounds so much nicer, don't you think? The numbers six and seven are clues as the two make the number 13. Tradition has it that if the rodent sees it's shadow, there will be six more weeks of bad weather until spring. If the rodent does not see it's shadow, there will be seven weeks of nice weather and then spring.
The pagan representation of Groundhog Day is Mother Earth. Here is a comparison chart...

              Earth Goddess                                           groundhog

              sleeps in earth                                          sleeps in earth
           a ground creature                                       a ground creature
           awakens in spring                                      awakens in spring
       cycle rebirth and renewal                          cycle rebirth and renewal
   completes cycle of reincarnation               completes cycle of reincarnation
                                        both connect Winter and Spring

Valentine's Day comes exactly 13 days after Imbolg. Wow, that just makes Valentine's Day all the more disgusting. If you are unfamiliar with the roots of this "love" day, better do your homework and find out where the heart symbol comes from.         source:

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