Saturday, February 18, 2012

Daily Media Circus

Names of new cardinals elevated by Pope Benedict

India's George Alencherry among 22 new cardinals inducted by Pope

(Reuters) - Pope Benedict, putting his mark on his Church's future, on Saturday inducted 22 men including India's George Alencherry into the exclusive group of cardinals who will one day elect one of their own to succeed him as leader of the world's 1.3 billion Roman Catholics.

The new cardinals are from the United States, Hong Kong, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, India, Canada, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, and Malta.

Notice they are from a total of 13 countries...

11. His Beatitude George Alencherry, Indian, major archbishop of the Siro-Malabar rite in India.

Notice his name is listed as number 11.  The numbers in his name add up to 22. 

Notice a cardinal's coat of arms...the tassels form 2 pyramids...
Notice the photo above chosen for the main article features Alencherry as prominent....and wait a minute..what is that shiny gold thing resting on his cardinal's hat? A gold capstone? Why don't the other hats have this feature?
Now read the Reuter's blurb under the picture again....

DNA Robots Programmed to Kill Cancer Cells,Harvard Study Show

Iranian Warships Sail Through Mediterranean

Whitney Houston's funeral...

The teenager hid her eyes between a pair of sunglasses and held the hand of a friend as she walked past security. Family and friends were greeted by what appeared to be an Egyptian-decorated casket outside the home.

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