Monday, March 21, 2016

Daily Media Circus

6.0 - 76km S of Atka, Alaska

6.4 - 211km S of Ust'-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia

Mid-East Prophecy Update - March 20th, 2016

I went to Trump Town Hall in Salt Lake City and my experience was the same this man had in Tucson. I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears that these anti-Trump protesters are vile, vulgar, violent and extremely hateful. Do not trust the media.....they are lying.

Tucson Cop: Anti-Trump Protesters “MOST HATEFUL PEOPLE I’VE EVER SEEN”

Amateur metal detector finds crucifix that may change the historical record of christianity

The Complete History of Monsanto “THE WORLD’S MOST EVIL CORPORATION”

Salt Lake Tribune - Cruz in Utah: Glen Beck says He's the fulfillment of Mormon prophecy

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