Saturday, March 26, 2016

Daily Media Circus

This is just ridiculous...


"The Beast : Obama is referred to as the Good Shepherd as he calls for World Unity (Mar 22, 2016)" 

It's Time To Stop Pretending All Religions Are Equal

Franklin Graham: 'Quran Teaches Its Followers To Hate'

Idiot on CNN says 'White People Can't Understand Islam.' Gets Schooled
Islam isn’t a race. It’s a religious and political ideology. Islam=not a race. One Muslim plus another Muslim does not equal racism. Okay? Okay.

Catholic Church 'Prostrating Themselves Before a Religion That’s Been At War With Them for 1400 Years’

30 Percent of GOP 'Evangelical' Voters Don't Believe Bible Is Literal Word of God

'In God We Trust' Utah license plate to become new standard option

Really!!!!! A debate about it?
Poland Debates Banning Abortion After Live Baby Cries Itself to Death

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